Getting started

If you’re not familiar with Django’s existing fixture system, please look at the relevant Django documentation before going further. Things like why fixtures exist, how and when they are used and what they are good for are not covered here. Coming here, you’ve optimally used Django’s fixtures for some time and, if you’re like me, gotten a little frustrated with them.

If you haven’t already, have a quick look at the Configuration document. It’s very short. All you need to do, basically, is to add class_fixtures to your INSTALLED_APPS.

Let’s dive in to the practical stuff right away.

Traditional fixtures vs. class-based fixtures

We’ll use a band-related Django app called bandaid and its models to illustrate the use of the basic features of django-class-fixtures.

Assume a simplistic Django model inside bandaid.models, like this:

class Band(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=255)
    genre = models.CharField(max_length=100)

A typical way of creating an instance of this model would look like this:

band = Band.objects.create(name="Bar Fighters", genre="Rock")

When serialized to JSON using the dumpdata management command, it would look like this:

        "pk": 1,
        "model": "",
            "name": "Bar Fighters",
            "genre": "Rock"

That dumpdata output is saved as example_band.json inside bandaid/fixtures. Our hypothetical bandaid app now looks like this:


The JSON serialization of the Band object is simple enough, but files with lots of serialized objects become cumbersome to deal with very quickly, especially when using schema migrations. We’d rather just deal with Python code all the way. It’s more readable, as well as easier to modify by hand and keep current with schema changes.

To that end, here’s the code of a Python module. It contains a single class-based fixture that contains a single object: a second instance of the Band model:

from class_fixtures.models import Fixture
from bandaid.models import Band

bands = Fixture(Band)
bands.add(2, name="Brutallica", genre="Metal")

That’s it. Save that as in the bandaid app’s fixtures directory. It becomes a fixture module that django-class-fixtures can use. You’re good to go.

Wait, not quite.

You’ll notice that fixtures is a simple data directory inside the bandaid app. It’s not a Python package, which it needs to be for django-class-fixtures to find any fixture modules inside it. This is easily fixed: just add an module inside it. The bandaid app now looks like this:


Like magic, the sad and lonely fixtures directory is transformed into a subpackage of the bandaid app where Python modules can be imported from. As you can see, you can freely mix traditional serialized fixtures and class-based fixtures. You just have to make sure that the primary keys (the “pk” fields in JSON files and the first parameters to the add() calls in fixture modules) don’t conflict with each other.


A bit on terminology: in Django parlance, a “fixture” is the JSON/XML/YAML file containing serialized model objects, located inside one of the fixture directories.

As for django-class-fixtures, a “fixture” is a single instance of the Fixture class, many of which can and will appear inside a single fixture module, which is the actual .py file inside one of the fixture packages (i.e. directories with an file).

All right, the basic infrastructure is in place. Let’s look at what we just did with the code in that fixture module.

Basic use of class-based fixtures

First off, fixture modules need to import the Fixture class from class_fixtures.models and any model classes that you want to create fixtures for.


While the Fixture class lives in class_fixture.models, it’s not a Django model class. It’s model-related, though, and since Django apps need to have a file anyway, it’s as good a place as any for it.

Each Fixture instance is attached to a model class by giving the model as the first parameter to Fixture, like Fixture(Band) above. For purposes of organization or clarity, you can have multiple Fixture instances per model class:

decent_bands = Fixture(Band)
awful_bands = Fixture(Band)

Actually populating the Fixture instances with objects is done using the add() method. First, you give it the primary key and then, as keyword arguments, the same arguments you’d give a Band.objects.create() call:

decent_bands.add(3, name="Led Dirigible", genre="Rock")
awful_bands.add(4, name="Flaxxid Bizkit", genre="Crap")

Note that the primary keys must keep incrementing across Fixture instances, since both of them are still going to create Band objects into the same database table.


If you are curious as to why the primary key needs to be hard-coded, see Hard-coded primary keys. It’s not necessary for learning how class-based fixtures work, though, so if this is your first time around, it’s best to just keep moving for now.

Of course, eventually you’ll have to create relations between objects.

You’ll be doing two kinds of relations with fixtures:

  1. Relations to objects that do not yet exist in the database, but are instead created in the same fixture module as the objects that point to them.
  2. Relations to objects that exist in the database prior to loaddata being run (e.g. objects defined in initial_data fixtures created during syncdb).

Let’s look at these in that order.

Relationships between objects inside the same fixture module

We’ll start with foreign keys and these two example models from a hypothetical app called wage_slave:

class Company(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=100)

class Employee(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=100)
    company = models.ForeignKey(Company)
    manager = models.ForeignKey('self', null=True)

We’ll let code speak for itself first and then explain:

from class_fixtures import Fixture
from wage_slave.models import Company, Employee

companies = Fixture(Company)
employees = Fixture(Employee)

companies.add(1, name="FacelessCorp Inc.")
employees.add(1, name="Ty Rant",
employees.add(2, name="Sue Ecide-Risk",,

As is hopefully apparent, we’re creating one Company and two Employees, one of which is the manager of the other one. The above demonstrates both a foreign key to another model (the company of both employees) and a recursive FK to the same model (Sue’s manager). This is done using the fk() method of the target fixture instance, giving it the primary key.


An aside: which would you rather look at and deal with: those few rows of Python, or their imagined JSON representations? Just sayin’.

Due to the foreign key to Company, Employee objects depend on their target Company instances existing before they are defined. Fixture instances handle dependency resolution behind the scenes, so as long as you have created the companies and employees instances first, it doesn’t matter in what order you add() the actual model instance definitions to them. The proper loading order is determined automatically.

One-to-one relations work basically identically to foreign keys. To demonstrate, here’s one more model:

class EmployeeHistory(models.Model):
    employee = models.OneToOneField(Employee)
    date_joined = models.DateField()

Using that model in the above scenario is as simple as you might guess:

# Remember to add EmployeeHistory to the import from wage_slave.models
histories = Fixture(EmployeeHistory)
histories.add(employee=employees.o2o(1), date_joined='2003-03-15')

The o2o() method works identically to fk(). In fact, internally it’s the very same method, just a different alias. Picking the right one just makes fixture code more self-documenting.

The implicit OneToOneFields created by concrete model inheritance don’t need explicit o2o() usage. Here’s an example with an additional model that inherits from bandaid.Band:

# in bandaid.models
class MetalBand(Band):
    leather_pants_worn = models.BooleanField(default=False)

# in some fixture module
metalbands = Fixture(MetalBand)
metalbands.add(666, name="Judas Bishop", genre="Metal", leather_pants_worn=True)

Nothing too special happens here; it relies on Django’s model inheritance functionality, where creating a MetalBand object will automatically create a Band object with the same primary key. You just need to be careful to not overlap the primary keys of any of the previously defined Band objects.

What about Many-to-many relationships? To demonstrate their use, we’ll add a few more models to the bandaid app:

class Musician(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=100)
    member_of = models.ManyToManyField(Band, through='Membership')

class Membership(models.Model):
    musician = models.ForeignKey(Musician)
    band = models.ForeignKey(Band)
    instrument = models.CharField(max_length=100)

class Roadie(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=100)
    hauls_for = models.ManyToManyField(Band)

Again, let’s look at some code first. Here’s a revised form of bandaid.fixtures.more_bands:

from class_fixtures import Fixture
from bandaid.models import Band, Musician, Membership, Roadie

bands = Fixture(Band)
musicians = Fixture(Musician)
memberships = Fixture(Membership)
roadies = Fixture(Roadie)

bands.add(2, name="Brutallica", genre="Metal")
bands.add(3, name="Led Dirigible", genre="Rock")
bands.add(4, name="Flaxxid Bizkit", genre="Crap")
musicians.add(1, name="Lars Toorich")
# A "through" M2M, musician-to-band-via-membership
membership.add(1,,, instrument="Bongos")
# A normal M2M
roadies.add(1, name="Tats Brimhat", hauls_for=[bands.m2m(2)])

Not many surprises there. “Through” M2Ms are just a couple of foreign keys in the “middle” model in addition to any extra fields. The only thing of note is the direct assignment of a single-item list to the hauls_for ManyToManyField to create the M2M relation between Roadie and Band. We just inline the M2M relation directly to the object definition, just like with foreign keys earlier.

This is in contrast to Django, where you’d do the same like this:

brutallica = Band.objects.create(name="Brutallica", genre="Metal")
tats = Roadie.objects.create(name="Tats Brimhat")
# Either...
# Or...

So, to create the M2M relation using Django’s ORM, you need an extra call to the add() method of the ManyRelatedManager (hauls_for or roadie_set, respectively) after creating the objects that relate to each other.

M2M relations, of course, can be defined from either end of the relation. This means that the following is also legal, and equivalent to the earlier example of creating the roadie-band relation inline:

# Create the M2M relation from the other end, i.e. the "target" of the
# Roadie.hauls_for ManyToManyField. As you'll recall, the add() statements
# can be in any order, so we can call roadies.m2m(1) before a Roadie with
# that primary key is added to the "roadies" Fixture instance.
bands.add(2, name="Brutallica", genre="Metal", roadie_set=[roadies.m2m(1)])
roadies.add(1, name="Tats Brimhat")

The argument to M2M fields needs to be an iterable, even if it just has the one element. To create several M2M relations, you just add elements to the iterable. For example, to create a severely overworked roadie for a bunch of bands:

roadies.add(1, name="Tats Brimhat", hauls_for=[

As it happens, m2m() is also just an alias of fk() and o2o(). Internally, a special object called a delayed related object loader is created for all three relation types, and resolved to actual objects later on in the loading process.

Relations from fixture modules to pre-existing objects

Sometimes you’ll need to define relations to objects that you know to exist in the database prior to the loading of your fixture module. Syntax-wise, this is actually somewhat simpler than the intra-module relations presented under the previous heading.

Those pre-existing objects could be coming from syncdb calls that load initial data, or from old-style Django-serialized fixtures that got loaded before our class-based fixture did, or even from other class-based fixture modules, ones we know to be loaded beforehand.

In our case, the bandaid app contains a single Band object serialized into the example_band.json file under bandaid/fixtures. We’ll assume that it was loaded first, and create a relation to it inside the fixture module like this:

musicians.add(2, name="Dave Growl")
# "Bar Fighters" in example_band.json has 1 as its primary key
memberships.add(2,, band=1, instrument="All of them")

As you can see from the band argument, instead of referring to the primary key of a not-yet-created object through the fk() method of the target Fixture instance (like, you just give it the primary key of the pre-existing related object directly.


Relations to pre-existing objects using natural key tuples instead of primary keys are covered in Natural keys in the Additional Information document.

Or, you can just retrieve the actual model object inside the fixture module and relate to that. This is an alternative to the previous example:

bf = Band.objects.get(name="Bar Fighters")
musicians.add(2, name="Dave Growl")
memberships.add(2,, band=bf, instrument="All of them")

M2Ms work no different. Assuming we had some other JSON fixture that defined bands with PKs 5 and 6, we’d just do this to relate to them inside our fixture module:

roadies.add(2, name="Ciggy Tardust", hauls_for=[5,6])

# or, if we wish to relate to the actual objects,
# perhaps not even knowing or caring what the PKs are:

some_band = Band.objects.get(**some_kwargs)
other_band = Band.objects.get(**other_kwargs)
roadies.add(2, name="Ciggy Tardust", hauls_for=[some_band, other_band])

This business with creating relations to objects outside the current fixture module brings up a point that bears emphasizing:


Don’t mix traditional fixtures with class-based fixtures unless you have a compelling reason to do so. If you do, be careful. Django-class-fixtures can handle dependencies inside a single fixture module, but you need to manually ensure that Django-style serialized fixtures are always loaded before the class-based fixture modules that relate to objects contained therein.

The same goes for dependencies between class-based fixture modules. django-class-fixtures doesn’t currently support inter-module dependencies. If, through relation dependencies, you make assumptions about the loading order of the fixture modules, be very careful to actually load them in the correct order, always, without fail.

That concludes our coverage of the basic concepts and use of class-based fixtures. You’re not done yet, though. Next, it’s recommended you look at Using class-based fixtures for a brief look at actually using the fixture modules in various scenarios.

For information on topics like using natural keys to create relations, more in-depth technical details and a few gotchas, see Additional Information.