Additional Information

Here’s some slightly more advanced information that you may find useful.

Natural keys

First of all, read and understand Django’s natural key documentation.

Since version 0.8 of django-class-fixtures only supports loaddata but not dumpdata, we’ll focus on the loading side of things.

To demonstrate natural keys, we’ll use the following two models, Competency being the one with the custom manager required for natural key loading:

class CompetencyManager(models.Manager):
    def get_by_natural_key(self, framework, level):
        return self.get(framework=framework, level=level)

class Competency(models.Model):
        (0, "None"),
        (1, "Beginner"),
        (2, "Intermediate"),
        (3, "Advanced"),
        (4, "Guru"),
    framework = models.CharField(max_length=100)
    level = models.SmallIntegerField(choices=LEVEL_CHOICES)

    objects = CompetencyManager()

    class Meta(object):
        unique_together = (('framework', 'level'))

class JobPosting(models.Model):
    title = models.CharField(max_length=100)
    main_competency = models.ForeignKey(Competency, related_name='main_competency_for')
    additional_competencies = models.ManyToManyField(Competency, related_name='extra_competency_for')

Natural keys are meant to be used when relating from a fixture to an object that is already in the database, where defining the relation based on the target object’s primary key is inconvenient or even impossible.

To demonstrate, we create a few Competency objects beforehand in a shell session:

rails_n00b = Competency.objects.create(framework='Ruby on Rails', level=1)
cake_adept = Competency.objects.create(framework='CakePHP', level=2)
spring_master = Competency.objects.create(framework='Spring', level=3)
django_guru = Competency.objects.create(framework='Django', level=4)

Instead of referring to those objects using primary keys (which we’d have to look up), we’d much rather just use a (framework, level) natural key tuple, since pairs of those will uniquely identify Competency objects in the database.

Here are the various ways of doing natural key relations from JobPosting fixtures to those pre-existing Competency objects:

jobs = Fixture(JobPosting)

# A single foreign key with a natural key tuple
jobs.add(1, title='Rails Intern', main_competency=('Ruby on Rails', 1))

# One FK, and a single M2M with a natural key tuple in a single-item list
jobs.add(2, title='Elder Django Deity', main_competency=('Django', 4),
    additional_competencies=[('Ruby on Rails', 1)])

# One FK, and several M2Ms with a list of multiple natural key tuples
jobs.add(3, title='A man of many talents', main_competency=('Spring', 3),
    additional_competencies=[('CakePHP', 2), ('Ruby on Rails', 1)]

As with normal primary key-based relations, foreign keys accept a single natural key tuple, whereas many-to-many fields require an iterable of them, even with a single item.

Raw mode

When Django deserializes fixtures, it doesn’t actually call the save() method of the respective model classes directly. Instead, it uses DeserializedObject, a container class for pre-saved deserialized data, found in django.core.serializers.base. Here’s the relevant bit from its save() method (as of Django 1.3):

# Call save on the Model baseclass directly. This bypasses any
# model-defined save. The save is also forced to be raw.
# This ensures that the data that is deserialized is literally
# what came from the file, not post-processed by pre_save/save
# methods.
models.Model.save_base(self.object, using=using, raw=True)

The comment probably doesn’t need further explanation. Fixture, on the other hand, has an optional boolean raw parameter that defaults to False, meaning that in django-class-fixtures, saves are done in “normal” mode by default, using the create() method of the default manager of the actual model class.

Remember the wage_slave app from the introduction? Let’s revisit it, adding some custom save() logic to demonstrate the use and effects of raw mode:

class Company(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=100)

class Employee(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=100)
    company = models.ForeignKey(Company)
    manager = models.ForeignKey('self', null=True)
    # New field, conditionally set to True in save()
    cog_in_the_machine = models.BooleanField(default=False)

    def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
        if ' corp' in
            self.cog_in_the_machine = True
        super(Employee, self).save(*args, **kwargs)

The save() method of the Employee class examines the employing company, checking if its name contains something like “Corp.” or “Corporation”. If it does, then in a rather silly bit of social commentary, it deduces that this person is necessarily a dehumanized corporate drone, and sets the cog_in_the_machine boolean to True.

Raw mode will prevent this, however. Here’s what happens with fixtures set to normal and raw mode:

company_fixture = Fixture(Company)
company_fixture.add(1, name='Bloatware Corporation')

employee_fixture = Fixture(Employee)
employee_fixture.add(1, name='Andy Depressant',, manager=None)
raw_employee_fixture = Fixture(Employee, raw=True)
raw_employee_fixture.add(2, name='Sadie Peon',, manager=None)

Once a fixture module containing those fixtures is loaded, we can check to see that in raw mode, Sadie was spared the humiliation:

>>> andy = Employee.objects.get(pk=1)
>>> sadie = Employee.objects.get(pk=2)
>>> andy.cog_in_the_machine
>>> sadie.cog_in_the_machine

Raw mode in django-class-fixtures is a feature I’d appreciate testing and feedback on. I’m not entirely sure about all the implications of it being set to either True or False; it just felt natural to leave it to False when dealing with Python code instead of, say, a JSON serialization.

If you run into use cases where raw=True is necessary, I’d be glad to hear about them. If you have a compelling argument why raw mode should be on by default, do tell. It’s possible that when I get to work implementing a dumpdata override for 0.9, I’ll set raw=True for all fixtures created programmatically with dumpdata, or even change the default mode, if testing produces results to support that action.

Multiple database support

I’ve tried to be diligent in making all of the database operations in django-class-fixtures work cleanly with multiple databases, and there are even a couple of tests for it, but I have no experience actually using Django’s multiple database support in real-world environments.

Also, check out the note in Differences in the output of loaddata below for a possible minor caveat associated with custom database routers.

I’d appreciate more testing of this for feature parity with Django’s fixture system.

Rules for fixture discovery and loading

The various forms of specifying fixtures for loading are detailed in this example of TestCase.fixtures. Options 1 and 2 there are always handled by django-class-fixtures alone, but the strings in options 3, 4 and 5 are all valid monikers for Django fixtures, too, so there’s some logic in place to determine who handles what.

The loaddata override looks at each fixture name it’s given, and internally assigns either Django or django-class-fixtures to handle each, sometimes both. Some shadowing related to app names also takes place that may bite you in the ass if you’re not careful. Here’s a look at what happens with various types of strings:

File names with registered fixture extensions such as "example_band.json" are assigned to be handled directly by Django’s loaddata, no questions asked. If you’ve written a custom serializer that uses some other format and extension than those provided by Django, the same applies for file names matching those. The “reserved” extensions are sourced from Django’s serialization machinery, where custom stuff is also registered.

Strings with dots such as "other.thing" or "bandaid.other_bands" are split on the dots, and the first element of the resulting list is matched against the names of all installed apps. Of those two, other does not correspond to an app, so the whole string is passed on to be handled by Django’s loaddata, matching files like "other.thing.json".

bandaid is an installed app, however, so a fixture module called other_bands is searched for under the its fixtures subpackage. If found, it alone gets loaded and any further searches are not made on that name. If not found, a FixtureUsageError exception is raised.


Raising an exception may seem harsh, when one could just pass the string on for Django to handle, but I wanted to make references to appname.module_name clearly distinct from other string forms to avoid cases where they would get passed on to Django due to a typo in the module name, and then silently ignored when files matching the name are not found, since Django does not raise errors in case of non-existent fixtures.

This means that any traditional fixture files that start with an app name followed by a dot, like bandaid.anythingatall.json are shadowed and not loaded, if referred to as "bandaid.anythingatall". The solution is to always include the file extension in cases like these, triggering the automatic assignment for Django’s loaddata as described above.

Arbitrary strings with no dots such as "something" are first checked against app names. If a match is found, no further determination takes place. All the fixture modules (but no traditional fixtures) of that app are loaded. This shadows both "something.json" files and fixture modules called "", so don’t name your traditional fixtures or fixture modules the same as any apps.


In this scenario, "something.json" is still accessible by referring to it with the .json extension and not just as "something". Remember: explicit is better than implicit.

If "something" isn’t the name of an app, it is assigned for Django to handle first. In addition, it is checked against the names of fixture modules in all valid fixture module locations. All matches are marked for loading in whatever order they are found (but always after Django has taken a crack at locating and loading traditional fixture files with that name first).

That means you can have as many fixture modules called "" in as many fixtures directories or FIXTURE_PACKAGES locations as you like. You can also have something.json and under the same directory/package, both will be loaded, Django first. No shadowing takes place at this stage.

Differences in the output of loaddata

Due to the process described above in Rules for fixture discovery and loading, when django-class-fixtures needs to fall back to Django’s loaddata, it does so for a single fixture name parameter at a time. That is, if the parameters to loaddata include "something.json" and "other_thing.json", that results in two runs of Django’s loaddata, not one for both together. This is to ensure that the user-specified fixture ordering is preserved when mixing traditional and class-based fixtures; it won’t do to just pick out all the traditional fixtures from the list and give them to the original loaddata command in one bunch.

The outputs from those two runs are stored and parsed for the loaded fixture counts. Those counts are then combined with the counts produced by any class-based fixtures.

Any extra messages produced by calls to Django’s loaddata when verbosity is 2 or 3 are stored and displayed in order of appearance. This is followed by the summary row (shown as the only row with a verbosity of 1, too), which is either “No fixtures found.” or “Installed x object(s) from y fixture(s)” to match what Django outputs.


Django actually has a third form of the summary row: “Installed x object(s) (of z) from y fixture(s).” As far as I can tell by looking at the code of Django’s loaddata, this comes into play when using multiple databases and a custom database router disallows the loading of instances of a certain model into a certain database.

As of 0.8, the x and y counts are parsed from that and correctly included in the final count, but the loaddata override’s summary row does not parse or include the “(of z)” bit. I was too lazy to implement it, frankly. If you rely on it, patches are welcome, or you can hope that I find the motivation to implement it in a later version.

If you use scripts that rely on the precise output of loaddata (as part of Fabric deployments, for example), be sure to test them thoroughly. This is another area I’m happy to receive feedback about, there may be arguments for changing some aspect of django-class-fixtures’ behaviour.